The Legislative Ambassadors

    Legislative Ambassador logo

    About the Committee

    From working alongside the Iowa Board of Regents to meeting with state legislators, the Legislative Ambassadors advocate for student-focused policy.

    The Legislative Ambassadors are comprised of senators and at-large members who work to advance student causes at the state and federal level. Each term, this committee analyzes the most pressing challenges students face and creates a legislative agenda to address them. Through frequent trips to the Iowa state capitol, ambassadors have personal conversations with legislators and advocate for policy changes. The Director of Governmental Affairs — with the help of their ambassadors — also works with the Iowa Board of Regents and Iowa's Congressional delegation. In 2023, for instance, the Legislative Ambassadors successfully secured a $1 million increased funding recommendation from the Regents. Members of this committee gain valuable skills in advocacy, governmental relations, and fiscal stewardship as they work to advance stuent needs through equitable policy.

    Get Involved

    This committee is always seeking new members and fresh ideas. Use this link to learn more about current opportunities.

    Committee Chair

    Colby Brandt

    Director of Governmental Affairs