Funding Application

Has your organization been in existence for more than 365 days?

Can your organization prove an income of at least $20 per member per year (as listed by the Student Organization Database)?

You will need to provide proof of income to the Finance Committee through financial statements during your Finance Committee hearing

Is your organization officially recognized with Student Engagement?

Is your organization open to all activity fee paying students and spouse cardholders?

Does your organization contribute or accept financial or material support to or from any political party or campaign?

Is your organization requesting money for the purposes of satisfying debts to outside entities?

Does anyone in your organization receive academic credit for membership?

Does your organization receive funding from an academic department? (ie. finance, computer science, mechanical engineering)

Does your organization exist, primarily, to assist students in ataining an intership or scholarship?

Is your mission statement consistent with or directed towards a particular academic program?

Is your organization preprofessional? (i.e. Pre-Law, Pre-Vet)

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